Servarr Operator

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Project Overview: Servarr Operator was a learning project I started to help me learn how to create kubernetes operators. I wanted something that was somewhat complex and went beyond the basic tutorials found for operator sdks.


  1. Deploy each of the main applications for servarr
  2. Configure each to connect to a postgresql server as it’s db


  • Kubebuilder as a framework for the operator
  • Kind to test the operator locally


I developed the operator over a few streams and was very successfuly in my first goal of being able to deploy each application and give it some basic configuration like ports and pvcs. However as I began diving deeper into how to configure them to connect to the databse the project creeped outside what I wanted to show on stream and so it has become a back burner project for me. In the future I want to revisit it and finish up the initial features but there were other more important projects for me to work on.