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Grayton Ward - Production Engineer based in Atlanta

Hey! I’m Grayton, a passionate engineer based in Atlanta, GA. I have a wide field of interests but currently my focus is on kubernetes and platform services.

Skills and Expertise

I specialize in backend services and cli based tools offering automations and ease of use features to users.

I’m proficient in a number of languages including golang, rust, python, and javascript and am well versed in technologies like kubernetes, gitops, cloud scaling, and CICD pipeines.

Innovation and Problem-Solving

I thrive on new and creative challenges that require innovative and robust solutions. Whether it’s a performance optimization, adding in large new features, or migrating entire legacy code bases to fresh frameworks I approach each challenge with enthusiasm and dedication to solving the puzzle.

Continuous Learning

With the pace the industry changes day to day, I believe the most important skill any engineer can have is being able to learn and adapt to new environments. With this I make it a priority to constantly be learning and imporving my skills and sharing that experience with others.

This was the driving idea behind my twitch channel where I take on new challenges every week.

Get in Touch

Are you looking to elevate your online presence or bring your digital ideas to life? I’d love to hear from you! Feel free to reach out for collaboration, consultation, or just a friendly chat about all things in the tech industry.

Let’s build something amazing together!